Ace your technical Simulator assessment.
With qualified instructors from First Officers to ex Airline Check and Training Captains we can walk you through airline-specific simulator assessment profiles and assist with the techniques necessary to prepare you for, and ACE your assessment day.
Perfect for:
Commercial pilots wanting to thoroughly prepare and practice their airline assessment over multiple sessions.
3x1 hour simulator sessions
1x bonus 30 mins to add to any session
3x30 minute pre-flight briefings
Thorough repetition over multiple sessions
Conducted by current Airline Pilots
ILS and VOR practice as required
Radial intercepts & sector entry practice
Basic jet handling
Steep turns

Perfect for:
Commercial pilots preparing for their airline interview and simulator assessment.
1 hour
30 minute pre-flight briefing
Single run through of most airline assessment procedures

Perfect for:
Trained pilots who want to upskill, practice at your own pace, gain instrument recency or just fly for fun.
90 minutes
Must be able to demonstrate proficiency in the simulator
Undergo training on how to use the operating software
Option to hire an instructor

Perfect for:
Commercial pilots wanting to polish up on your interviewing skills in personalised one-on-one sessions.
2x90 mins personalised coaching sessions
Eight Virtual Interviews to help you perfect your interview technique
The Airline Pilot Interview Work Booklet
Simulator Assessment Guide
Psychometric Testing Information
QRH handbook
Complimentary Email Support from professional airline interview consultants
Access to our up to date data base of questions currently being asked by your airline
A detailed written debrief

An exclusive insight into Crew Resource Mangament (CRM) for Commercial Pilots.
Perfect for:
Commercial pilots aspiring to work for International
Airlines and aviation professionals looking to enhance
their understanding for CRM principles aligned with
global aviation standards.
8 hours of Crew Resource Management (CRM)
classroom facilitation
90 minute simulator session introducing Multi-Crew
Cooperation (MCC) roles (Pilot Flying & Pilot Monitoring)
30 minute bonus session (optional, added to any session
if required)
60 minute pre-flight briefing and 30 minute debriefing session
Take-off briefing, approach briefing, and ILS practice
Comprehensive handouts, including:
• CRM Principles
• Pilot Flying (PF) & Pilot Monitoring (PM) responsibilities
• Fatigue management awareness guide
• Basic jet-engine literature

Trusted training.
With over 50 years of experience training commercial pilots, SFC is your trusted partner for airline interview and pilot assessment preparation. Our expert instructors provide you with the skills and confidence needed to excel. Let us help you reach your goals and take your aviation career to new heights.
What to expect.
Let us help you ACE your airline interview & simulator assessment, and give you the competitive edge you need to shine on the day.
Discuss any concerns or things you want to focus on during the session.
Go through each step of the profile in detail to help you feel prepared in all manoeuvres on the day.
Want to ace your Airline Simulator Assessment?
Download our FREE 7 Step Guide now and ace your airline simulator assessment first go without 30+hrs study in the books.